Our documents no longer need to be tied to our desktop computer. Instead of opening up a new Microsoft Word file, create a new Google Doc. Google Docs save automatically and they are available 24/7 from any device. We can use Google Drive and Google Apps to create and store all of our documents. No more emailing yourself countless attachments. This tutorial will show you how to create a Google document and also how to find that document on the cloud (Google Drive).

Step 1: Login into your howellschools.com email account and then click the “Apps” button. Next, click “Drive” on the top of your screen to open up a new tab that shows the contents of your Google Drive.

Step 2: To create a new document, click the “New” button, then click on the type of file you would like to create (‘Google Docs’ are Google’s version of Microsoft Word)
Untitled image.png

Step 3: Make sure to click on the top left of your document where it says “Untitled document” so that you can rename your document to something that will be easy to find in Drive.

Step 4: Saving. Google Apps saves automatically every few seconds. There is no save button.

Step 5: You can toggle between the “My Drive” view, the “Shared with Me” view, and a list of any folders you have created in “My Drive” by click on the left of your screen to find your documents.
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